Please thank everyone involved for the amazingly fast turnaround of our magazines. It has never been done this fast before and we’d have been in big trouble if you hadn’t pulled it off. Your special effort is very much appreciated.
Our Bindery contains an impressive collection of equipment that showcases our finishing capabilities. We have a large array of folders, saddle-stitchers, perfect and PUR binding lines in addition to poly-wrapping equipment and mailing lines.
A recent development saw an investment in new MBO Leman folders to increase our capabilities within that particular area.
Further developments have also been confirmed within our Bindery as we will investing in no fewer than four new Muller Martini print finishing systems.
Our Sitma W1150-0 wrapping machine enables us to print your logo, barcodes and PPIs directly onto the polywrap.
We operate our own fleet of vehicles which service the M4 corridor, the Home Counties and the vast majority of London travelling 3 or 4 times a day on a daily basis.
1 x Polar 137mm AT Pro
with PACE compu-cut and full flow line.
1 x Polar 115mm ED
with full flow line including transomat.
2 x Stahlfolder TH82-P – PFX Feeder Heads – Shingle ability
2 x stahl PD82 6-4-2-Z
Sheet size: Max: 820 x 1100mm/Min: 150 x 200mm
2 x stahl PD82 4-4-4-Z
Sheet size: Max: 820 x 1100mm/Min: 150 x 200mm
2 x stahl PD82 4-4-2
Sheet size: Max: 820 x 1100mm/Min: 150 x 200mm
1 x stahl BUH RFH66
With double gatefold plate and round continuous feeder. Sheet size: Max: 660 x 1280mm/Min: 140 x 180mm
3 x STAHL Folder P-stackers.
Automatic bundle stacking devices.
Muller Martini Bolero B9
Muller Martini Bolero B9 Perfect / PUR binder with twin nipping stations. 16 station gatherer. Trimming is carried out by an Orbit three buy brand name propecia knife trimmer. Book block feeder, pre-gathered book blocks in multiples of 16 sections.
Product size:
Max product size: 420 x 297mm/Min Product size: 148 x 105mm or 100 x 70mm with additional trim allowances*
Max spine width: 70mm/Min spine width: 3mm
Max trim on sections: 40mm
Muller Martini Bolero B9
Muller Martini Bolero B9 Perfect / PUR binder with twin nipping stations. 10 station gatherer. Trimming is carried out by an Orbit three knife trimmer. Book block feeder, pre-gathered book blocks in multiples of 10 sections.
Product size:
Max product size: 420 x 297mm/Min Product size: 148 x 105mm or 100 x 70mm with additional trim allowances*
Max spine width: 70mm/Min spine width: 3mm
Max trim on sections: 40mm
2 x Muller Martini Primera MC
Six stations plus cover feeder with 4th and 5th knife capability.
Product Size:
Max product size: 420 x 297mm (Portrait)
Min product size: 105 x 75mm (1up)Â and 90 x 75mm (2up).
Muller Prima Plus AMRYS
Eight stations plus cover feeder with 4th and 5th knife capability.
Product Size:
Max product size: 420 x 297mm (Portrait)
Min product size: 105 x 75mm (1up) and 90 x 75mm (2up).
Shrink Wrapping, Strapping & Automatic Pallet Wrapping. Polythene overprinted to customers specification.