Stephens & George

Chain of Custody Claims

Stephens & George are certified with Chain of Custody. That means that our customers can use the Chain of Custody ‘on product claim’ on items that we print on Chain of Custody certified paper and we will monitor the product through every stage in the supply chain, from the forest, to the final user, via the invoicing process.

Should a client wish to make an ‘on product claim’ we will supply them with the relevant Chain of Custody on product claim logo which contains our certificate number.

For the Chain of Custody, the Client will then need to supply us with a PDF of the page that the logo features on from their product for Chain of Custody approval. The turnaround propecia legales online rezept time of this approval is usually within 24 hours between the hours of 7am to 3pm Monday-Friday. All usage of the Chain of Custody logos must be approved by the Chain of Custody prior to print.

The logo may not be used by the Client again – if a re-print of the product takes place with another printer this on product claim must be removed as it only relates to S&G. Also there are all different versions of the logo dependent on the paper stock.

For further information contact your Customer Service Account Manager.