Stephens & George

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Launch Of SGA Workshops

Our inaugural SGA Print Buyers Workshop took place in Glasgow on Tuesday 20th January.

Hosted by an independent consultant, our workshops’ objective is to advise attendees of the print buying process, so that they can then make educated and informed decisions when buying their print.

At SGA we believe that knowledge is power and our intention is to empower our attendees with the knowledge required for effective print buying. Covering topics including paper, origination, proofing, print technologies and finishing. Designed to help both newcomers to print buying, starter publishers or individuals who simply want to refresh their understanding, our SGA Workshops are an ideal platform to share knowledge of the print buying process.

Vanessa Jones commented, “Today was extremely successful. To have the opportunity to share our knowledge of the print buying process with others is invaluable and our SGA Workshops allow us to do just that. We hope that we have managed to explain and demonstrate the various aspects of print and empower today’s guests with sufficient knowledge to make educated decisions for when they are in a position to buy print.”

We will be hosting our SGA Print Buyers Workshops throughout the UK in 2015. If you would like to attend one of our workshops, please email